Into the wild

"I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in. ~John Muir"

早上打开电视,习惯性的调到了Channel Five,Oprah Winfrey的talk show,她介绍是一个青年Christopher McCandless, 他的故事震撼了我,一种埋在灵魂深处的渴望又重新复苏,一种很原始的,很本质的渴望。(A seek for authenticity), Chris 在他放弃了一些,置身一人,在没有带地图和指南针的状态下进出Alaska大旷野之前他开始探索活着的真谛。在他走之前他问了自己:


If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed.



Chris开始了他寻回灵魂的旅程,他把社会的思想架构抛在了脑后,烧了他所有的财产,一步一步朝Alaska的山脉走去,那里有他儿时的向往和灵魂的归宿,他说:“life is most exciting when one is penniless.’

Christopher McCandless: No, man. Alaska, Alaska. I'm gonna be all the way out there, all the way fucking out there. Just on my own. You know, no fucking watch, no map, no axe, no nothing. No nothing. Just be out there. Just be out there in it. You know, big mountains, rivers, sky, game. Just be out there in it, you know? In the wild.

Wayne Westerberg: In the wild. 在荒野里
Christopher McCandless: Just wild! 就在荒野里
Wayne Westerberg: Yeah. What are you doing when we're there? Now you're in the wild, what are we doing? 我们在那里会做些什么呢?现在我们在荒野里,做什么?
Christopher McCandless: You're just living, man. You're just there, in that moment, in that special place and time.你就在那里活着,你就在那里,在那一刻,在那个特别的地方,你活着。
Wayne Westerberg: Yeah. Why not?
Christopher McCandless: You know, about getting out of this sick society. Society! 从这个让人作呕的社会里出来
Wayne Westerberg: [coughs] Society! Society! 社会,社会!
Christopher McCandless: Society, man! You know, society! Cause, you know what I don't understand? I don't understand why people, why every fucking person is so bad to each other so fucking often. It doesn't make sense to me. Judgment. Control. All that, the whole spectrum. Well, it just... 社会,社会!我不理解为什么人,他妈的人对彼此那么恶劣,我不理解。一切都被控制了,每个环节。
Wayne Westerberg: What "people" we talking about? 你是说那种人
Christopher McCandless: You know, parents, hypocrites, politicians你知道,家长,伪君子,政治家,
Wayne Westerberg: [taps Chris' head] This is a mistake. It's a mistake to get too deep into all that kind of stuff. Alex, you're a hell of a young guy, a hell of a young guy. But I promise you this. You're a young guy!这是个错误,错误,对这些事务,想太多太深刻。Alex,你是个小伙子,

其实我们都很清楚这个社会的丑恶本质但是一种声音,或者一种来自巫婆的魔咒一直在我们内心深处不停的念着This is a mistake. It's a mistake to get too deep into all that kind of stuff



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